Our Services
Arborist Reports
We prepare reports for residential and commercial clients in the greater Bay Area. This includes tree protection reports to satisfy city/county permitting requirements, tree risk assessment (TRAQ) reports, construction monitoring, and more. To get started, fill out our request form below or contact us by phone or email.
Tree Removal Permits
We can help with your tree removal permit application, whether you need just a report (starting at $260) or turnkey service (starting at $390, not including any city fees). We work in most Peninsula and South Bay cities and are on the Menlo Park consulting arborist list. To get started, fill out our request form below or contact us by phone or email.
We would love to help you understand your trees better! For $260, Katherine or Elizabeth will meet with you for one hour to discuss any tree questions you may have, then follow up with an informal email report. If you end up needing a formal report, the consultation fee will count toward the price of the report. To get started, book an appointment below, or book a bilingual English/Spanish appointment with Katherine and Vanessa here.
Small Tree Pruning
Proper pruning early in a tree’s life can make it cheaper to maintain and less prone to failure when mature! We prune trees up to 15’ in height, including young trees, fruit trees, Japanese maples, and more. Depending on the species you need pruned, we may recommend moving your appointment to a different time of year.